MIET Arts and Science College in the Department of Micro Biology conducted “A One Day Seminar on “Scope of Microbiology” on 10/09/2019 at 11.00 am. In this programme our college Chairman Er.A.Mohamed Yunus gave the presidential address, our college Principal Dr. J. Antoni Raj gave welcome address. Our department faculty Mr.T.Arockia Raj, Asst.professor & Head, Department [...]
MIET Arts and Science College in the Department of Micro Biology conducted “A One Day Seminar on “Lymphoid Organs – MHC Transplantation & Autoimmunity” on 21/08/2019 at 11.00 am. In this programme our college Chairman Er.A.Mohamed Yunus gave the presidential address, our college Principal Dr. J. Antoni Raj gave welcome address. Our chief guests Dr.A.RAJA, Executive [...]
MIET Arts and Science College in the Department of Micro Biology conducted “A One Day” Seminar on Fundamentals of Zoology-Extremophiles on 17/07/2019 at 11.00 am. In this programme our college Chairman Er.A.Mohamed Yunus gave the presidential address, our college Principal Dr. J. Antoni Raj gave welcome address. Chief Guest Dr. A. Naga Sathya, Assistant professor & [...]