Department of Computer Application
The Department of Computer Application was established in the year 2000. As per the University rules the total intake of this department is 110 students. Every batch of students has been successful in academic and co-curricular activities. Our department has dedicated staff members who are experienced in the field of Computer and technology. The department has infrastructure to offer quality education and training. It gives proper training on current IT technologies like Python, Java, Dot Net etc, and regular Personality Development Programs, Seminars and Workshops by experts in the field. It has an impressive track record of academic result and excellent labs with high end system with high-speed internet facilities.
Vision & Mission:
We commit ourselves to create a generation which magnify the students with knowledge and awake their intelligence with social values. To be a leading global institution that provides a cognitive education to create innovation and to generate new knowledge for the society and industry.
Mr. Y.J.M.SHERIF,M.Sc(CS) ., MBA., M.Tech
Head & Assistant Professor