The department of business administration, conducted a one day seminar “ Brand Mandra – Venture of position”. The seminar was organized on 2nd august 2019 at the seminar hall at 11.00 AM. The resource person Dr. R. Venkatesh Associate professor of international business, shree saraswathi Thiyagaraja College. Delivered a speech on the importance of branding [...]
MIET Arts and Science College in the Department of Computer Science organized one day Seminar on Digital Marketing and Web Automation held on 30-07-2019 at 10.00 AM.In this programme our College Chairman Er.A.Mohamed Yunus gave Presidential Address, our College Principal Dr.J.Antony Raj gave Welcome address.The Chief Guest Mr.S. Imran Khan (Director, SS Software Solution, Trichy) [...]
PG and Research Department of commerce, M.I.E.T Arts and Science College, Trichy conducted Guest lecture on “Forms of Business Organization – Special Lecture for the first year students on 18/09/2019 At 10.30 A.M. in the college seminar hall. Given by our department staff Dr.T.Muthukumar gave brief speech about different types of organization in national and [...]
Dr. R. Gopalakrishnan, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, MIET Arts & Science College, Trichy, was the chief guest. He explained the history and basics of nanomaterials from past to recent developments in a lucid way. Further he continued by explaining their current applications such as OLED, QLED, Nanobots, Solar and Fuel Cells etc and also [...]
MIET ARTS & SCIENCE COLLEGE and Department of Physics have organized a seminar on “KNOW YOUR SELF-MOTIVATIONAL TALK” in College Seminar Hall at 10.00 am. Er. A. Mohamed Yunus, Chairman and Dr. J. Anthony Raj, Principal, presided over. Dr C. Arul, Asst .Prof, Dept of Chemistry, Bishop Heber College, Trichy, was chief guest. He told [...]
MIET Arts and Science College in the Department of Computer Science organized one day Seminar on Hardware and Troubleshooting held on 20-09-2019 at 10.00 AM. The Chief Guest Mr. S. BASHEER AHAMED (Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, M.I.E.T Arts and Science College, Trichy) gave an elaborated speech on Hardwares, Advanced technologies, Processors, I/O Devices, and [...]
MIET Arts and Science College in the Department of Computer Science organized one day Seminar on Microprocessor and its Applications held on 04-09-2019 at 10.30 AM. The Chief Guest Mrs. A. M. S. ZUNAITHA SULTHANA (Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, Jamal Mohamed College, Trichy) gave an detailed speech on Number Systems, 8085, 8086 Processors, Assembler, [...]
A one day seminar on “Poerty Analysis: A Special Reference to A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning” The Department of English, M.I.E.T. Arts and Science college, Trichy, organized a one day seminar on “Poetry Analysis: A Special Reference to A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning”, 29.08.2019. Ms. F. Mary Bridgith, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Thanthai Hans Roever College [...]
UG and PG department of English conducted one day workshop on 18th July 2019, at 10.00 am in our college seminar hall. Mr. M. Kumaran, Assistant Professor, Department of English from Jamal Mohamed College, Trichy and Mr.I.Mohammed Nazar, Assistant Professor, Department of English, from Khadir Mohideen college, Adirampattinam shared their thoughts and views on the [...]
MIET Arts and Science College in the Department of Micro Biology conducted “A One Day” Seminar on Fundamentals of Zoology-Extremophiles on 17/07/2019 at 11.00 am. In this programme our college Chairman Er.A.Mohamed Yunus gave the presidential address, our college Principal Dr. J. Antoni Raj gave welcome address. Chief Guest Dr. A. Naga Sathya, Assistant professor & [...]